Monday, November 17, 2014

Files as data sources - Part 4 - File Errors

I always place the dataflow that is reading the file within a try...catch block to specifically respond to any file errors that may occur.

The two error types you want to look out for are:

  1. Flat file processing errors (1004)
  2. File access errors (1005)
If an error does occur I run the following in the script:

#Record file failure in SYS_FILE table

#Archive file
FileMove($G_ActivityEmms, $G_FileLocation, $G_FileErrorLocation);

#Truncate staging table to prevent error data from getting into datamart

The FileFailed function has nearly the same code as the FileComplete function. You could actually combine them into a single function that updates the file status to either COMPLETE or FAILED, or anything else you might need.

If (db_type('Datawarehouse') = 'Oracle')
    $L_FileName = replace_substr( $P_FileName,'*','%');

sql('Datawarehouse','UPDATE SYS_FILE SET STATUS = \'FAILED\' WHERE FILE_LOCATION = {$P_Directory} AND FILE_NAME like {$L_FileName} AND AUDIT_ID = [$G_AuditID]');

We've already reviewed how the FileMove function works.

Lastly I clear out the staging table so that no partially loaded data goes through the rest of the load.

It would also be a good idea to send out an email alerting the owner of the file that there was something wrong with the file so that they can take an remedial action before resending the file for processing.

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